From the journal of Ellen Lambert:
Greece - A Sensual Life
The House of the Muses.
The moment I entered my new home, I stood in awe.Cleofys had spared no expense in decorating this fine manor.Large murals depicting scenes from the Greek stories of gods and mortals graced each wall in the main salon.Beyond a row of marble pillars, a long balcony offered a sweeping vista of the city below while lengths of tulle curtains billowed in the soft breeze.Damask and silk fabrics had been imported to make comfortable cushions for the many settees and chairs, the fabric of royal blue and purple.Silver decanters and matching goblets sat on carved sideboards, the selection of beverages for the clientele numerous and expensive.Silver chandeliers hung from the ceiling and offered the warm glow of numerous candles while porcelain bowls held potpourri of fragrant jasmine and sandalwood.
"It is like a beautiful oasis," I commented as Cleofys gave me a tour.
"Yes, it is," she answered with a sly smile."I make sure the patrons who visit us receive the best in hospitality."
My own quarters offered the same opulence with wall murals and ornate furniture, the cushions and bedding of fine, pale blue silk, the panels on the bureau, cupboard and wardrobe featuring carvings of aristocratic women in fancy dress.From my own balcony I had a lovely view of a large hillside statue, a representation of the Goddess Aphrodite in mortal form, a nude woman of alabaster brilliance.The goddess of love, Cleofys explained, remained an important deity at the House of Muses, for she represented our avocation, of love, desire and sexual expression.Two other gods remained important to us, Athena, the goddess of war and community, whose name graced our thriving metropolis, and Poseidon, the god of the sea, who could at any time cause a tidal wave to wash us away if we invoked his wrath."Pray daily for them," Cleofys advised, "and you will prosper."
She went on to explain the inner workings of the house.I need only ask for the items I needed and they would be delivered to me, perfume, soap, hair clips, cosmetics, anything in the way of toiletries that would enhance my attractiveness.To aid me in this quest, I found a porcelain tub for bathing behind a cypress screen and a cupboard filled with soft towels and a flask of musk oil for the skin.And to my delight, I discovered a gilt brush set with a hand-held mirror on my new bureau.
All the courtesans of the house took meals together, but we were free to do as we liked before and after.Entertaining our clients in the main salon was greatly encouraged, and if the clients so wished, we moved upstairs to our private quarters for more intimate relations.
My servants had generous rooms attached to mine with thick doors that closed their rooms off when I needed privacy.We were allowed visits from our own, non-paying lovers, of course, although the clients came first.While clients entered through the front courtyard, our lovers had to use the back entrance for coming and going.All of the courtesans' rooms had access to the rear staircase and the small, gated back courtyard.Cleofys herself occupied the top floor of the manor, but she rarely entertained clientele these days, only two who had been with her for many, many years.
If she only knew how many years I lived before she took any lovers, I thought with a wistful smile.Of course, I would never reveal this to Cleofys or anyone else for that matter.Again, discretion had become my ally, but with Athens growing daily in population, I felt safe for now, my meals, beyond what was served in the house dining room, plentiful and available.Thus, I quickly moved from my old quarters into the House of Muses, Tira and Lakshmi having packed all our belongings beforehand so we could settle in swiftly and effortlessly.
In the next two days, I met the other occupants of the house, the ten courtesans and some of their servants.All the Hetaeras proved attractive in their own right, some tall, some short, some willowy, some buxom, with varying hair and skin colors.Their nationalities and names offered variety as well, the Roman Jocasta, the Cypriot Zenobe, the Babylonian Issa, the Macedonian Nabila, the Byzantine Halcyone, and the Persian Samira.Four lovely and seductive Grecian women made up the rest of our group-now numbering eleven-their names Adjani, Leatrice, Ophelia, and Semelé.
Most of the Hetearas sold basic sexual and entertainment services, although more dramatic and capricious favors could be had for a higher price-even some that proved physically challenging.Thus the House of Muses offered something for every man and his tastes.
Since I needed a wardrobe befitting my new status as a courtesan, Cleofys employed two tailors to outfit me with the necessary linen gowns and robes-or chitons and himations-plus sandals and jewelry.My rings, earrings, necklaces and brooches were fashioned from silver and gold and studded with semi-precious stones.Tira, too, received a new wardrobe, although she still preferred to wear her turban in deference to her heritage.
By now my hair had grown to the small of my back and I lightened it to a lustrous blond with a bleaching agent.Society women wore their hair gathered up and fastened with jeweled combs and tiaras, while tight spiral curls graced their brows, temples, and the backs of their necks.I employed the same hairstyle, making Tira work a laborious hour pinning my hair carefully with my mother-of-pearl and gilt combs, and then curling each cascading section with a heated rod.
Now equipped with my elegant wardrobe and hairstyle, I made my first appearance in Grecian society, inciting immediate speculation and interest.And when I began to make frequent appearances at public gatherings and events, I knew I caught the appreciative gazes of not only the men but the women as well.People wanted to know my identity, the lovely, elegant and enigmatic blond woman in the company of her tall dark-skinned maid who served as the lady's chaperone.
As soon as they knew my identity and profession, the men began to court my favors and made appointments to see me for "business purposes."Soon I had more appointments than I had time, but I gladly rearranged my evening schedule to accommodate all of my clientele, even two or three per night if need be.
The work left me tired, weak and famished, but Tira made sure to provide me with the human nourishment I needed to restore my body and mind.These meals usually took place in the wee hours as time and privacy permitted.I began to sleep no more than four or five hours a night, but I found I could do so and still feel and look refresh the next day.
Soon I received weekly visits from my new contacts, both men and women, who arrived in the latter part of the morning and stayed to mid-afternoon; although these visits remained social only, with no discussion of business and money.We met in the main salon of the House of Muses where the seating arrangements offered comfort as well as a sweeping view of the large wall murals.
This small but important group of people ate the delicacies I provided with my own money and drank honeyed nectar, tea and wine, all the while engaging in lively conversation.On some occasions, the other courtesans would entertain my visitors with musical selections, usually Jocasta on the lute, Ajani on the lyre, and Issa on the flute.Other times, one of the drama personae from the group would perform excerpts from the latest tragedy by the playwright Aristophanes, while a trio of the Heraetas wearing bronze masks- Halcyone, Leatrice and Samira-provided a choral and dance accompaniment.
Thaddeus, now a prosperous textile merchant as well as a member of the elder council, had gladly and eagerly become one of my paying customers, trading drachma coins and bolts of rich silk for my affection, his infatuation for me growing in proportion to his waistline.He frequently joined our group, although he contributed very little in the way of intelligent conversation, even for a politician and business man.Instead, he preferred to avail himself of the free and plentiful food and drink, although he paid for it all indirectly.