From the journal of Ellen Lambert:
* Greece - In Love
I had Penelope now, and I hoped she would come to care for me the way I cared for her.To ease her into a new situation, I had Tira fetch Penelope and her belongings from her uncle's house.I couldn't begrudge Thaddeus' consternation at losing not only his niece but a sizable amount of money as well, but he had given me his word and he never broke a promise.I looked upon the money as Penelope's dowry, payable to me rather than some old decrepit man she would have to marry.
Now she came to me of her own choice, ready and eager to begin anew.I could offer her more than just a mortal life with love till death do us part, but a life-a powerful existence-with love that would last us forever.Of course, I would have to broach the idea of immortality in a way that would be acceptable to her, but I felt secure that Penelope would willingly join me in time.