Chapter 27

We sailed for two days on the ship Achilles and arrived at Seriphos just as news of the advancement of the Romans reached us.Within a week, Athens, as well as most of Greece, had fallen into Roman hands, thus ending the Golden Age of a once prosperous and enlightened civilization.

The people of Seriphos worshiped Demeter, the goddess of grain, agriculture and harvest.They had just built a new temple in her honor, and so my small entourage and I found shelter in Demeter's old temple up on a hill.We soon made it habitable and comfortable for us to live.Herds of goats, sheep and cows roamed the island and provided milk and meat.The islanders grew numerous fruits and vegetables, the particular grapes they cultivated for wine considered superior.Thus, their second most important deity was Dionysus, the god of wine and libation.When the full moon shone for three success nights during harvest time, the islanders celebrated with a large banquet where wine flowed freely and so did libidos.