Chapter 34

Charles made his way to the dark form slumped near the bushes.When he peered down and discovered the very pale, dead body of Daphne Asquith he felt his stomach roil.The poor girl's throat had been slashed clean across, her head tilted slightly back so that the wound appeared like a gaping fish mouth.

"Did anyone see what happened here?" Charles asked as he stumbled back.

A general murmur ensued but no one claimed to be near here when Daphne had been attacked and murdered.Of course, everyone expressed shock and fear.Recently, a convict from the nearby Albemarle Prison had escaped, the man considered a dangerous lunatic.

But Daphne's murder wasn't the first killing in the Surrey area.Several of the villagers had met the same fate with their throats slashed, and their murders had created a stupefying mystery. All the victims seemed to have been drained of their blood.