Charles awoke with a nagging hunger, his insides hollow, and his mouth as dry and coarse as the desert sands.His head hurt and his body felt thin and limb.Looking about, he knew he was still in Elena's bed as he had been last night, but Elena was no longer with him.The candles had burned down to stubs and dawn crested over the horizon, although night still loomed in the bedchamber, gray and cold. Shivering, Charles pulled a blanket over him.As he did so, he glanced down at his chest.Last night Elena had mixed their blood together, using his chest as a palette.He should have seen the scar from the incision she made with the knife, but he found nothing but smooth, pale flesh along his breastbone.What had happened?Had the transformation taken place as he slept?Yet Charles felt far from strong and vital...or invincible.
He remembered the elixir stored in the gold box, but the box, too, had disappeared.Elena, no doubt, had returned her precious commodity to its place in the credenza.