That afternoon, Marianne went through the ritual, meshing her blood and flesh with that of Elena's, and then drinking the elixir.Charles and Elena waited until Marianne awoke from a deep slumber where she dreamed of past lives in Egypt, Athens, Persia and Rome.
"I never felt so free," she revealed to her brother with a bright smile."It's as if a whole new world has opened to me, allowed me to experience all the wonders of the universe, while never having to leave my bedside."
"And best of all," he added, giving her a gentle hug."We will always be together, you and I, and Elena."
Marianne's expression clouded for a moment."Yes, and Elena."
Earlier, Charles had asked Elena if she had instructed the Serbs to go to Marianne's chamber and gave the young maiden a taste of sex.But his lover vehemently denied planting the notion of rape and torture in the minds of those two foreigners.It had been there own barbarous idea.