Now as she began to close the front door, a dark hand reached out and grasped the door handle from the inside.Suzan jumped back with fear as the hand pushed the door open with an eerie squeak, but let out a sigh of relief when she spotted Detective Kyle Mears attached to the hand.
"Oh, hello there, doctor," he greeted as he poked his head around the door."Mind of I come inside?"
"Help yourself."Suzan stepped into the anterior of the foyer so he could enter.
As the detective ambled inside, he closed the door behind him, his barrel form dressed in a charcoal gray sweat suit, Adidas running shoes on his big feet."I just had a question for Mrs. Lambert.Is she in?"
Suzan nodded as she quickly folded the wrap into a small neat square."I believe she's upstairs taking a call from her husband."
"Oh, yeah.He's in Europe, I believe she told me.And what brings you here tonight?"