We had two servants at our disposal, a young brother and sister from the Alsace region named Yvan and Celeste, both with dark hair and eyes. The also possessed a sylvan, ethereal look about them as if they had appeared out of the dense Compi¨¨nge Forest behind us instead of from the de Grammont kitchens.Yet they performed their duties with skill and dexterity.When one glass of wine had been drunk and set down, Yvan or Celeste would quickly fetch another, doing so with barely a notice from the bacchius revelers.
Jeannette and I had since shed our panniers and hoop skirts, opting for filmy gowns with brazenly low décolletages.Henri-Charles made a game of placing a strawberry or cherry in the cleft of Jeannette's full breasts followed by a dollop of custard from an éclair and then retrieving the creamy fruit with his mouth and tongue.His lapping and tickling made her titter delightfully while my lover of the night, Armand, and I looked on with bemusement.