To celebrate the blooming of the District of Columbia cherry trees, Ellen offered cherry brandy to her guest.Suzan found the liqueur smooth, inviting and pleasing just as she found Ellen-in a long, sleeveless dress of cherry-red -inviting and captivating.Red seemed to be her color, a vibrant compliment to her fair skin and hair.
"Let me show you my Cézanne," Ellen announced with a pleased smile."I have it hanging in my bedroom."
"I'd love to see it."Suzan followed her hostess up the sweeping staircase to the second floor and on to the master bedroom.As soon as she entered, Suzan took in the details with an awe-inspiring appreciation for the Arabian fantasy décor.Yards of red and mauve tulle curtains hung from the ceiling and draped the walls.They also framed the round king-sized bed with its cream satin comforter and mounds of pillows in garnet- and eggplant-hued velvet.