Think of the blood as a fine wine, Ellen had told her.Suzan hoped she could comply, drink blood in the same way she would drink the fine Shiraz her lover now offered.Take a little at a time and build up to the taste...
But in the ensuing days, Suzan found she had no thirst, no desire, no need, no craving.Ellen even offered her small aperitif glasses of blood to help her ease into the need, reserved blood that she had collected from Destry Lundegard.Suzan forced herself to drink the contents in order to please her lover, if not to prove to herself that she could do it, acquire a taste for it.She even thought of the deep red liquid as a Bloody Mary, cold and delicious.But no matter how hard she tried to convince herself, she became ill afterward, gagging, choking and vomiting...her physical anguish soon affecting her mental and emotional well-being.
"It's no use," she told Ellen after her fifth attempt."I must not have gone through with the transformation completely."