By the time she joined Suzan in the basement lab, Ellen had changed into her favored Chinese robe, her hair down and around her shoulders in soft waves.When Suzan glanced up from her notes, she noticed her lover's face, no longer serene and beautiful, but pinched and worried.
"What is it, Ellen?What happened?I heard you at the door with someone."
"Detective Mears stopped by."Ellen took a seat on the stool near the doctor."He inquired about our guest last evening, Mr. Lundegard."
Pushing back from the table, Suzan sucked in a nervous breath.The knot of anxiety in her stomach that had grown overnight now swelled into a ball of near panic."I knew it!I had a feeling he would show up here."
Trying to calm down, she forced herself to think in rational terms."Of course, he can't prove a thing.There's no body, no physical evidence whatsoever.You always see to that.I mean, we see to that now."