And her opportunity came the next day.
When the doorbell rang, Suzan turned on the porch camera and found her visitor to be Davis Breen.Instead of his usual crisp, professional attire, the doctor wore a casual jacket, a pair of jeans and his favorite suede loafers, an indication that he was taking time off from his normally full schedule.
"Hello, Davis," she greeted through the speaker."What brings you here?"
"Hi, Suzan."He glanced about the narrow brick-lined space, trying to place the speaker in relation to the camera angled above him."I wanted to stop by and see how you're doing.Actually I have some news for you, good news, and I'd like to discuss it with you.How about dinner?"
"All right."Unprepared to let him just yet, Suzan weighed her options carefully."About your news; can you give me just a little hint?"