Chapter 19

After a long, hard day, Liberty looked forward to her simple, comforting bedtime routines.Once she showered, she slipped into comfy PJs, and then curled up on the sofa while watching TV and drinking either a mug of tea or a glass of wine.Tonight she opted for the tea to counteract the effects of the wine.Normally, these little rituals eased her into a wonderful, relaxed mood, but after dinner tonight with Byron Keats, Liberty found herself a bit at odds.How dare he continue to invade her privacy like this!Normally, she would turn off her phones, both the cell and her home line, but tonight she forgot to place her cell on mute.When it buzzed, she sat up on the couch, alert.Could her caller be Keats, wanting to add information out of the kindness of his heart, or more likely, extract information from her?Instead, when Liberty picked up her phone off the coffee table, she let out a little groan of irritation when she noticed Preston's name and number on the screen.

"Baby," the private eye purred when she answered."I called you this time instead of surprising you by just showing up and scaring the shit out of you."

"Gee, thanks," she murmured."Now what do you want?"Of course, Liberty knew what he wanted, to come over and try to snuggle his way into her affections.She did want to talk to Preston again, to get his take on the Baumgard family dynamics and reiterate his initial conversation with Dr. Baumgard.But tonight she preferred to forget about work and just relax...alone.

"Listen babe," he cooed."I got some primo bubbly, and I don't want to drink alone.What do you say to you and me sharing a glass together?"

"I have to say no," she demurred."I don't want to drink any more tonight."

"Oh, so you're already imbibing without me, eh?"

"No, I had wine with dinner, a dinner date actually with a gentleman friend."Liberty needn't mention that Keats was a cop investigating the Baumgard case, or the fact their "date" had really been more of a business meeting.

"Ah, but I bet he didn't offer moonlight and sweet music to caress your beautiful body."

"And you can?"

"Just try me, darling."

"I have, and found the experience very disappointing."

"Now, now, love.I've changed since the old days.I'm no longer a player, but a man who knows what he wants...and I want you, babe."

Leave it to Preston to keep on working his so-called charms even after she hinted at another man in her life!Liberty sighed, loud enough so he could hear her."Let's call it a night, Pres. You've been a very busy boy, supplying Detective Keats with all kinds of information."

"What are you talking about, baby?"

"The threatening text sent to Dr. Baumgard.How did you get a copy?"

"The doctor allowed me to copy it, sweetheart, and I simply passed it along when Keats asked.It seems the late doctor's phone went missing.You don't know anything about that, do you?"

"Heavens, no.I'm a consummate professional."

"So, am I, baby, so am I."

"No, you're a hazard to women, any woman."

"Oh, come on!I'm more like an irresistible nuisance.Isn't that a legal term?"

"You're just a nuisance, period.But what choice do I have?"

"None, babe.I can be there in ten seconds flat."

Taking the phone away from her ear, she frowned and raised her voice. "What?"

"I'm in your driveway, sitting in my car and just waiting for an invitation to come inside.And it's cold out here, baby, even with the heater.I could use some warming up with a glass of bubbly and a dose of your scintillating conversation.Besides, I have some important news to impart about the Baumgard case."

His last sentence did the trick to turn the tide of her resistance."Oh, Jeezuz H. Christ," Liberty spat into the phone. "You are a menace to society, but you might as well come inside.I want you to impart quickly and depart just as quickly, got it?"

As she spoke, Liberty went to the front door, turned on the porch light and then deactivated her alarm system.When Preston offered a light, staccato knock, she undid the knob lock and the security bolt and opened the door.He stood on her doorstep, his smile broad and brilliant, and his hands holding the bottle of decent and palatable champagne, a Rosé Sauvage, like a first prize trophy, complete with a cascade of blue ribbons.

"Ooh, baby, you drive a hard bargain."He offered Liberty the champagne."But when I come a-calling, darlin', I always come prepared."

"Goddamn nuisance," she murmured and grabbed the beribboned bottle.Then whirling around, she retreated to the kitchen.

He followed along."But I'm one bitchin' handsome nuisance, and you know it, babe!"

Liberty set the bottle, still cold, on the counter and proceeded to open the cabinet where she kept her glasses.

"Allow me," Preston advised as he came up behind her, reached up, and grabbed two wine glasses.

His palatable presence tugged strongly at her senses.Worse, he had her pinned against the counter, her only means of escape to dive under his outstretched arms.But she'd have to be quick enough before he captured her in his strong, heady embrace.Damn him!Liberty hated to admit it, but when she saw him at the door, she knew she'd be a goner.It wasn't just the black leather that made him stunning, but the whole package.She knew Preston had a lean, muscled body that could stop a woman's heart no matter what he woreor didn't wear.His hair flowed dark as night and nearly to his shoulders, and framed a face that cameras would love, a handsome actor's face with sharp bones, a sleek nose and deep, expressive eyes.Preston had a mouth fashioned for poetry and prose, to issue orders and drive a woman crazy with his basso purr of love talk.

Tonight he looked particularly appealing in his sable jacket and a cerulean-blue satin shirt open a few buttons down from the collar to expose the braided gold chain around his neck.From experience she knew what he possessed beneath the shirt, a hard chest with tight sprigs of black hair from nipple to nipple and on down to his navel.He also smelled wonderfully of Unforgettable cologne, the bouquet of lavender, rum and sandalwood the perfect compliment to his warm, espresso flesh.

Oh, she'd give in all right, but not without a fight.

With a wine glass gripped in each hand, he folded his arms around her and pressed her back to his chest."I'll pop the champagne cork," he murmured seductively in her ear, "and pop your top besides."She tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but to no avail.Preston knew exactly what to do with his hands, even when occupied.To demonstrate, he quickly and expertly set the glasses on the countertop and spun her around to face him, he the dance master and she the willing and aroused pupil.His gaze captured hers, his eyes like pools of jet ink, while his fingers began to stroke her jawline and chin with a light, provocative touch.His caresses continued down her throat and around her neck until he found her most sensitive spots at each smooth curve that flowed to her shoulders.

But before he could capture her mouth and bring her down completely, Liberty arched her head back."Now what's this important news you want to tell me?"She tried to maintain some semblance of normalcy mixed with a business attitude, but Preston would not be sidetracked from his goal of conquering her.

He offered a sexy smile, potent with lust."Later, baby.What I have in mind at the moment will take less talk and more action guaranteed."

He backed her into the corner where the countertops met, gripped her hips, lifted her off her feet and set her down on the convergent V of smooth, cool granite.She met him eye-to-eye, and then lips to lips.She could see him clearly now, those sexy, sulky bedroom eyes and the mouth of a suave con artist, doomed to want a woman who would fight him at every turn.But Liberty knew Preston loved a challenge, and she was just that.

His kiss came slow and provocative and then gained in momentum, his hands roaming freely, over her face, down her hair, arms and back.When he slipped them beneath her pajama top and stroked her abdomen just below the cusps of her breasts, she pulled back suddenly, her stomach muscles tightening.

Not to be undone, Preston smiled."Miss me, babe?"

Liberty tried a defiant look."Not a bit.Why don't you go fuck yourself?"

He offered a hearty laugh. "That's no fun, darling.We have to do it together to get it right.You know I always work hard to do it right...and do it just the way you like it."

As his gaze held hers, he worked with dexterous speed to untie the silk cord that cinched her pajama bottoms at the waist.Then his fingers slipped in and around the waistband, causing her to jump involuntarily with delight.

Taking advantage of her flustered state, he unbuttoned her pajama top and stripped it away.It should have infuriated her that he had her shirt off already and her breasts exposed and vulnerable.But she felt her resistance draining away.Next, he tugged at her PJ bottoms, working with expertise to slide the soft terry fabric down and over her buttocks and then down around her ankles. When he pulled her bottoms off completely, she tensed.

"Damn you, Durrell!Kiss my ass!"Her heart continued to thud violently against her chest, her body and mind unable to rebel and resist any longer.He was inches away now from driving into her, filling her, destroying her.

"And a truly great ass it is, babe, so round, so firm, so fully packed.In fact you're luscious all over, especially with these big, gorgeous tits."For emphasis, he reached out and quickly stroked each breast with expert fingers.She felt as if just hit by lightning, his touch zapping her strength and resistance.Trembling with the aftershock, she tried to back away.

"You son of a bitch!"

"Oh, baby, that's no way to treat a guest.So, I'll just have to call it a night and leave with my champagne...and information."