The houses in Thoreau Park had been built with simplicity and functionality in mind, constructed to optimize the elements while requiring little maintenance.At eye level, Maddy Kime's house resembled a Cape Cod cottage in design with slate-blue shingles and a base of fieldstone.But once the eye traveled upward past the low-slung roofline, her house became a study in function with white triangular beams that held solar panels.
At the front door, Liberty took note of the wreath hanging there, made of twined branches sprayed a peach-pink color and decorated with little silk flowers, an ode to spring.Ringing the bell, she immediately summoned David Vreeland who gave her a welcoming smile as soon as he opened the door.
He was dressed casually in a blue shirt, an indigo sweater vest, and a pair of brown slacks, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to reveal his muscled and golden-haired arms."Good afternoon, Liberty.I hope it wasn't too hard to find us."