Chapter 33

Everything had gone as planned, simple yet stately, a funeral fit for a king.For many people who knew the doctor, Daniel Baumgard deserved the title, even though in life he wore his crown of achievements with an air of humility.Now it was time to shed some of the formality and memorialize the doctor as a man who turned his big dreams into a philanthropic legacy.A few mourners who attended the funeral barely knew Daniel Baumgard but professed they knew him well enough to add their opinions and memories.After the funeral, the crowd converged on the Rhett and Savannah Baumgard mansion where a lavish buffet and an open bar awaited them. The downstairs rooms soon filled with both somber talk and drink-infused laughter.

For Maddy Kime the memorial get-together offered an opportunity of a different sort.It gave her and her lover time to slip away from the crowd and find a secluded place upstairs.When he led her into the master bedroom, he shut and locked the door behind them.