Chapter 41

Liberty felt drained, not a good sign at this early stage of the game.She had Brandon and Corey working furiously to cull information and begin a witness list, those people who would shed a positive light on Madeline Kime's character.And those witnesses needed to verify and clarify facts would be closely interviewed and cross-interviewed by Brandon, adept at extracting information.Liberty herself would look for potential experts who could testify for the defense, particularly for someone who could refute the DA's findings about the shoe prints.

By seven, she was ready to go home and crawl into bed.But before she closed up shop for the night, she received a call from Sergeant Keats.

"Good evening, Liberty," he greeted on a casual note."I'm not calling at a bad time, am I?"

His sexy, masculine voice worked like a charm to shake her alert, both mentally and physically."No, I was just getting ready to go home.What can I do for you, sergeant?"