Chapter 2

For today, she decided that should have a cozy, intimate dinner in the kitchen rather than the more formal dining room.She recited her musical choices to little blue audio cube.Gavin enjoyed the classics, from the traditional to the jazz-inspired, from Mozart to Miles Davis.The lyrical flow of symphonic music helped to stimulate his appetite as well as the rest of his senses.Now as she set the table with the everyday but still lovely glass plates with their Japanese artwork, she listened to Vivaldi's Concerto for Violin in B Flat, donning a contented little smile as she allowed the music to indulge and inspire her.

But a few moments later Arianna thought she heard noises coming from the bedroom, a thump and perhaps a muffled moan.The sounds cut into her serenity and momentarily replaced the music.She assumed Gavin had risen and gone to take a shower, perhaps dropping something in the process.But suddenly, Arianna felt a cold chill run down her back.The silver reed centerpiece rustled in response, although the air remained still in here.Nonsense!Nothing could happen to spoil this beautiful setting, this lovely day.Shaking her head to dispel some silly, imaginary dread, Arianna went back to work.

Five minutes later, when Gavin failed to appear, she went back to fetch him for lunch.Surely he would be done with his shower by now.The bedroom seemed unusually dark, more so than she had programmed the graduated timer to dim.Reaching for the wall switch now, she turned it on and flooded the room with bright halogen light.

Arianna gasped and stumbled back when she spied Gavin lying across the bed.Blood oozed from the gash on top of head and stained the white shag rug beneath.The sight of so much red against white made her reel, dizzy and sick.But she knew she had to do something, and do it fast.Steadying herself along the dresser, she inched over to the telecam and held her hand to the screen to turn on the set. A slight breeze blew in from the open balcony doors, ruffling the full-length curtains of soft gauze.And yet Arianna noticed nothing more as she hit the emergency display. Within seconds a full screen image of a uniformed police officer appeared.

"How can I help you?" he asked in an officious but courteous tone, his gaze flicking up and down, registering his caller.

"I-I-there's been a murder," Arianna managed to get out.

"A murder?Do you know the victim?"

"Yes, my employer, Mr. Gavin McAllister.He's-been murdered."

The officer glanced down for a moment to look at his secondary component."I register your address as Elysian Towers, Unit B624.Is this correct?"

"Yes, that's right."

"And what is your full name and ID?"

"It's-Arianna Ravel, 462987355.

"A squad will be right over."

"Thank you."

"In the meantime take a seat in the main living area and remain there.Don't touch anything."

"Yes, I understand."

"Good.Now do you need someone to stay on the prompter with you until officers arrive?"

"No, no, that won't be necessary."

"Okay, we should be there in a few minutes.Hang tight."

"Thank you."

The officer tuned out, leaving Arianna with a blank blue screen.