Chapter 33

Wyatt had taken all available weapons and ammunition he thought might be necessary to defend his property. He put his .22 revolver in his shoulder holster and pulled on his light jacket. He wanted to be prepared for any and all possibilities.

While he and Isabella had been out walking, he had checked the perimeter of the compound as well as the tree-mounted cameras. Everything appeared to be working properly. At one point, he thought he heard the rumbling of a car engine, but couldn't be sure because of the branches and leaves rustling.

Isabella busied herself with lunch preparations while Wyatt checked on the security monitors. He read his e-mail and realized he needed to call Dave. He sat down in front of the monitors while he waited for Dave to pick up.

Dave and Wyatt talked, discussing and considering their options and alternatives. Dave received an e-mail from Sam, who had been working undercover as a member of Spike's gang for the past few months.