Chapter 63

Tory dragged herself to work the next day. She'd been working more hours than she had originally anticipated since Mrs. Braedden's due date was approaching quickly and she had to be on total bed rest. Mid-morning Tory answered the phone at the office. It was a new client, Larry Walker, and he was interested in looking at one of the new office buildings still in the midst of construction. His company was growing and he needed a larger facility.

She arranged to meet him later at the job site but first she would need to prepare an estimate for any custom and necessary build-outs he might like to suit his specific needs.

She arrived early and waited in the car until her client arrived and they walked toward the building together.

"Hi, Mr. Walker, right?" Tory asked as she held out a hand to shake.

"Yes, but please call me Larry. It's nice to meet you and put a face with a voice on the telephone," he answered as he shook her hand.