Chapter 110

Lisa watched Autumn working on her corner the next day. She could see Autumn in a deep conversation with an older man, their heads close together, away from the passing students. Autumn was shaking her head, and Lisa moved a little closer to hear the conversation.

"Autumn, we need more people. We have a whopper dynamite salesman right now and can turn them over within twenty-four hours of their induction. He's making us some big bucks," the older man said.

"When am I ever gonna see any of that money?" Autumn asked. "I'm out here every day in the freezing cold, getting as many people as I can, and I haven't seen the first penny. I need a reason to continue this charade or I'm walking."

"I'll talk to Larry and see what he can do. Maybe he can fix up your room, now that we have some money, and get you some new duds, too. Would that make you happy?"