Chapter 131

"Oh my gosh!" She stuffed her hand, full of money, back into the pocket and ran toward the elevator. She had to get away from him until she could think straight and figure this all out.

Nearing the front door she remembered she didn't have a car and no money for a cab. In fact, she wasn't sure she had any place to go since her kidnappers had her wallet and her driver's license, which listed her home address, as well as all her other pertinent information. She turned in a circle.

Who could she trust? Her friend's face swam before her eyes. Ah-ha! Monica. Monica would pick her up, take her somewhere safe and help her figure out what to do next.

A phone. Where to find a phone? She hurried through the halls until she spotted a wall phone. She hoped it wasn't just for internal calls. When she picked up the receiver there was a dial tone so she punched in the numbers to Monica's cell.

"Hello?" Monica answered with a question in her voice.

"Monica, it's me. Lexi."