Chapter 31: Heart, Part 2

Before long, we were on NY 17 W headed toward Cooperstown. I loved driving-the feel of the tires pulling against the black asphalt, the roar of the powerful engine as I gunned it. Most of all, I liked the speed. I looked at the speedometer and I was going 110 mph, but it felt like 80. The car, my new baby, handled like a dream. Too bad I didn't have one of these two hundred years ago. Then my thoughts turned to Zac, his azure blue eyes, his sun-streaked hair, broad shoulders falling to narrow, sexy hips ...

"What are you thinking about?" Annie asked, noticing my quiet mood. She had been prattling on, but seeing I was blocking her out, she suddenly stopped.

"Nothing," I said, smiling a half smile, taking my eyes off the road. My peripheral vision was perfect. I could carry on a whole conversation, never looking directly at the road, and still not have an accident.

"Come now," Annie said, lowering her head, looking directly into my green eyes. "You're talking to me, Acantha. Your friend for well over two hundred years. Spill."

I shrugged, turning my attention back to the road. "There's nothing really to tell."

Annie's answering laugh sounded like bells. "Come on, Abigail! I know you better than that!"

I couldn't help but smile, then I shrugged, saying nothing.

"Is it those vamps back there? Because if it is ..."

"No, not the vamps," I replied, still watching the road.

Then, a light seemed to brighten her emerald green eyes. "Zac," she simply said.

Abruptly, I turned my head to look at her.

She smiled with self satisfaction for having figured it out. "Do you like him?"

"Annie, you sound like we're in the third grade!" I laughed.

"Answer the question," Annie continued. "Do you like him?"

"Of course," I replied, still looking at the road.

Then came the hard question. "Do you love him?" Annie asked quietly, almost a whisper.

I nodded, then eyed her with eyes filled with conviction. "Yes."

"Well," Annie replied jubilantly. "What's the problem, then?"

"Well, Annie," I began sarcastically. "Let's see here. I'm his bodyguard. He's my charge ..."

"Yeah, yeah, rah, rah," Annie mocked. "There's more to it than that." She thought for a moment, then asked. "Is it because he's human?"

I sighed, giving up, then nodded my head.

"What's the problem?" she repeated. "So what? He's human! Make him a vamp! Keep him!"

Suddenly, my eyes flared. "No! I can't do that to him!"

"Why not?" Annie asked innocently, unable to see my point.

"Annie," I began, letting out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. "I can't condemn him to a life of constant thirst ... the animalistic parts. It takes a while to gain control over your emotions, remember?"

Annie winced, remembering the difficulty she had adjusting to this new life. It took her years to gain control, and years to forgive me. "That part doesn't last long in comparison," Annie said quietly.

"Annie," I began again, trying to explain my point of view. "I hate to bring it up, but you remember how difficult it was for you to adjust." I paused, hating myself for bringing it up to her. "I just couldn't do that to him. And what if he hated me? I just couldn't live with myself."

Annie turned sharply toward me. "You couldn't live with yourself?" she asked in stunned disbelief, then turned to face the road, shaking her head. "Oh, you've got it bad for this guy!"

"Thanks, Annie," I replied sarcastically. "Really helpful."

"Well, what do you want me to say?" Annie's eyes flared. "Either you keep him or you don't." Then, she looked out the window for a moment. To Annie, everything was cut and dry. "Does he love you?"

I sighed. "He says he does."

"Then go for it!" Annie said, turning in her seat to face me. "In all the years you've walked the earth, have you ever fell in love before?"

I shook my head, watching the road, unable to meet her gaze.

"Star," Annie gently replied. "You are living proof that love doesn't happen every day. But when it does, you have to grab onto it with both hands and don't let go."

And I knew she was right. This was a once in a lifetime thing and probably wouldn't happen again.

"Anyway," Annie interrupted my reverie. "You have a few more years before you have to make a decision. With couples, the man is usually older than the woman, anyway." I gave Annie a disbelieving look. "Figuratively speaking, of course," Annie amended. I sighed again. "Just relax, Star!" Annie said, rubbing my arm to calm me. "Just relax and go with the flow."

"What's with all this 'go with the flow' business?" I said, turning to face her.

"What?" Annie asked innocently.

"That's what Rick said," I replied, exasperated, then imitated his perfect baritone voice. "Go with the flow."

"So?" Annie retorted. "See? Rick's telling you the same thing, so don't worry about it! Just go with the flow!"

I laughed, turning my attention back to the road. "Okay, I'll 'go with the flow.'" I laughed sarcastically.

Annie pushed me gently on the shoulder. "See if I'll help you anymore!"

"Rick said that, too!" I said, smiling. "Hey! Maybe you and Rick have more in common than you think!" And as soon as the words were out of my mouth, I knew it was the wrong thing to say.

"You think so?" Annie brightened, jumping excitedly in her seat.

"Annie, that's not what I meant ..."

"So, you don't think so?" Annie asked, crestfallen.

"I'm not getting in the middle of that one!" I held up a hand in surrender. "That's between the two of you!"

"So, you wouldn't object?" Annie asked, with a surprisingly serious look on her face. "If Rick and I got together?"

"Of course not!" I said with a smile. It really helped to have this girl time with Annie. "That is, if you both are in agreement."

"I was afraid you would say that," Annie replied, dejected.

"Annie, don't give up hope," I replied, cheering her up, but hating myself for encouraging her like this. "But throwing yourself at him the way you do doesn't help your case."

"What do you mean?" Annie asked innocently. And in her emerald eyes, I could see that she really meant it. I guess that her teasing was just so second nature to her that she really gave it no notice.