Chapter 38: Changes, Part 2

I was saved a moment later when Coach Sullivan divided us all up into teams. Fortunately, Zac and I were on the same team. Ray had finally drug himself up from the locker room, arriving late to class.

"What happened to you?" Coach Sullivan asked Ray and his buds as they took the court on the other side.

Then, Ray looked at Zac and replied, "Nothing. I ran into a wall."

Coach Sullivan's eyebrows pulled together for a moment, then replied, "Well, don't be so clumsy next time! And be on time for class! That goes for the rest of you, too!" He was looking at Ray's cronies.

The game started with Zac and Ray lining up on the line, center court. Ray got the tip off, but I got the ball and quickly passed it to Zac, who swiftly took it down the court, running all out, then made a layup for a basket. Ray got the rebound and took it to the other side. His team passed it around for a bit, then passed it back to Ray for a layup, making the shot.

Zac got the rebound and then quickly passed it to me and plowed the way for a basket. I passed it to a skinny kid on our team, then plowed the way for him, and he made a basket. Zac grinned and slapped the kid on the back in congratulations. The kid smiled, and played all out for the rest of the game.

The three of us, along with two other guys, worked together like we'd been playing together for years, and we ended up winning the game, forty-three to thirty. Hey, we couldn't let Ray feel too bad. We let him score, at least, in one way. It was probably the only score he'd get.

"Hey, great game!" Zac said, giving me a high five as we darted off to the showers. "Where did you learn how to play like that?"

"I've been playing for years," I answered, but didn't tell him just how many. I didn't tell him that I once infiltrated the Indiana Pacers as Larry Byrd for a weekend due to threats on his life from a stalker. We got the guy. "Where'd you learn how to play like that?"

"I've been playing for years, too," Zac answered, a bit winded, but feeling good. I could tell he needed the release from all the stress.

Once in the locker room, guys started undressing and hit the showers as Zac stripped off his shirt. And as much as I would have liked to stay, I knew it was my cue to leave.

"Hey, man," I said to Zac. "It was great meeting you. I'll catch you later." Then I slapped his hand and pulled away, as guys do.

"Where're you going?" Zac asked, his eyebrows pulling together. "Don't you need a shower?"

"I'm going home soon," I replied, shrugging, then decided to add. "I need to meet a girl."

"Like that?" Zac teased, smiling and shaking his head. "Well, I hope she knows how to hold her breath!" I started to leave, but Zac caught my arm. "Hey, we need someone for the football team. Come to practice if you're interested."

I nodded with a smile, then slid my backpack out of the locker and darted up the stairs before Zac could catch me again. Upstairs, there were just a few lingering students so I darted under the bleachers without being seen, then pulled myself together, shaking, my muscles quivering and contracting until I was myself again. I quickly changed into my work clothes.

"Where the hell are my gym clothes?" I heard a guy bellow in a deep base voice throughout the gym. "Man, that's the second time this week!"

Another guy laughed loudly. "Well, maybe you need to get a lock! Then no one will be able to take it!"

"Shut up, punk!" guy number one said, stomping through the gym and cursing as his voice faded away, probably going toward the men's locker room again. "I want my damn stuff!"

I waited for a minute, then stepped from under the bleachers. When no one was looking, I put the guys missing stuff on a seat, then darted out the exit door into the parking lot.

"Shit!" guy number one yelled. "Someone used it and it stinks! Great!"

Bystanders quietly laughed, and so did I as I forced myself to focus. I darted around the school to see if I could catch the vamp's scent and spotted Annie.

"Found anything yet?" I asked Annie, still looking around.

Annie shook her head, her eyebrows pulling together as she thought. "I caught a scent, but it could have been from your guy yesterday."

My head jerked up. "I'm not taking the chance. Let's scope it out, but let's meet back here in five minutes. I don't want to leave Zac alone for long."

"You got it," Annie replied, going toward the right since I was going toward the left.

"And Annie?" I asked. As she turned, I looked her in the eye. "Thank you."

Annie smiled. "Hey, what are friends for?" Then she gave me a wink and darted around the corner. I was so very blessed in so many ways.

Now, back to business. I darted around the other corner, trying to catch a scent.

"Bill, I'm telling you, I feel great ever since yesterday!" Bud White, the security guard, was talking to a scrawny, younger security guard who was looking at him in disbelief. Obviously, Bud was never in a good mood, let alone for a whole day. I guess my suggestion lasted longer than I thought, but would probably wear off in a few days. But, then again, there could be worse things than spending the rest of your life happy.

I waited until they passed, then darted around the school. And around the corner, I caught a male vamp's scent, when something hit me hard on the side of the head. I was dazed, but got up and saw him. He was a tall vamp with brunette curly hair and dark brown eyes. A guttural growl erupted from deep within his chest.