My tears turned to anger as I imagined Annie with Michaels. Then, I remembered what she said about Rick. How she was in love with him. But then again, when I asked her if she'd ever been with anyone else, she replied, 'None that I loved.' Oh, Annie! What have you done?
"I don't believe it! She has to be undercover! Annie would never betray her country!" Somehow, I just couldn't bring myself to believe that Annie could betray us like that after what we've been through together over the years.
"I sure hope you're right about her, for all our sakes," Verus replied, then added as concern filled his eyes, "If she is undercover, I haven't been told about it and she's made no contact with me. According to Abbott, she went rogue about a year ago."
I laughed. "Is that who you got your information from?" I asked, feeling relieved. "Abbot's dead, I'm sure. A shape shifter was posing as him a few days ago."
"No, I have Abbott," Verus replied casually, but concerned.