Chapter 3

Jocelyn's jaw dropped, but she quickly recovered herself.

The May-December couple gave them a dirty look and moved aside.

Jocelyn took the hint. "Mallory, come to the back."

Mallory's eyes opened wide. "Isn't Roxanne here?" As Mallory knew well, Roxanne frowned upon bringing guests to the back.

But Jocelyn needed a moment. "Kiki? I'll be right in the back if you need me."

"Take your time." Kiki looked over at Mallory and frowned her disapproval.

Turning her attention to her sister, Jocelyn said, "No, she's not here, but don't touch anything." Although Mallory had her faults, Jocelyn knew she would never take anything.

They walked past small white boxes on shelves and cardboard boxes and then walked into the break room, containing a small, round table and four chairs. Luckily, Roxanne had the day off, but she was always in and out. Jocelyn never knew when she might stroll in- day off or not.

Jocelyn pulled out a chair for herself, but Mallory sat down in it. Jocelyn sighed and took the other chair. "So, who told you that Caden was coming back?"

"His father, of course."


"At the Christmas tree lot."

Caden's parents owned the only Christmas tree lot in Christmas Cove, and it set right in the center of the town square. It took years before Jocelyn could walk past it without thinking of Caden.

"And why, pray tell, were you at the tree lot? We just got a tree," Jocelyn asked. If there was one thing she knew about her sister, it was that she was allergic to any work that didn't involve modeling, acting, singing, or all of the above.

Mallory scoffed. "I went there to get a new tree stand."

Jocelyn rolled her eyes. "We already have one."

"That one's old!" Mallory waved her manicured hand dismissively.

"It was Mom's." Their parents had died a few years ago, leaving Mallory and Jocelyn alone. Mallory was five years older than her, the same age as Caden. "What do you care if Caden comes back? You broke up with him just before he left."

Mallory swiped a finger under an eye and her eyes opened in horror when it came back black. Quicker than Jocelyn would have thought possible, Mallory opened her small purse and whipped out a compact. She quickly checked her makeup. After making the necessary repairs to her warpaint, she snapped it shut. "That was in the past. But now, he's coming back home."

Jocelyn sighed. "What do you want with him, Mallory? You don't love him."

Her sister looked at her as if she was torturing puppies. "It's been eight years." She grinned. "He's a Navy SEAL now. I'd bet he has lots of muscles."

Jocelyn pushed back from the table and stood. "Mallory, you're unbelievable." She walked out, expecting her to follow.

Mallory's high heels tapped against the tile floor, alerting Jocelyn that she was indeed following her. "What are you talking about?"

When Jocelyn came to a stop, Mallory almost ran into her. "Mallory, you don't love him--"

"How do you know?" She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin. "And, yes. I loved him."

Jocelyn scoffed. "What do you want with him, Mallory? The poor man isn't even here yet and you've already got something up your sleeve. What is it?"

"Maybe he'll take me out of here--"

"Mallory, if you want out so badly, then go! Go to California and try to make it in the movies, but don't break his heart."

"Break his heart?" Mallory's voice rose three octaves. Thankfully, no one else was in the store. The May-December couple was gone. "He was the one who left me, or don't you remember?"

"He went into the Navy and asked you to wait for him, and you broke up with him- or don't you remember?" Jocelyn bit her lower lip in an effort to calm herself. "Mallory, how do you know he's coming- for sure? He may not--"

"Why would he tell his parents he's coming home if he's not?"

Jocelyn let out a deep breath. "Mallory, let me walk you out."

Mallory narrowed her eyes and then strutted toward the door, pulling the faux fur coat around her as she walked out. She stopped on the sidewalk and glared at Jocelyn.

"Mallory, don't get mad, but Caden and I have been pen pals since he left."

"You what?"

Jocelyn shrugged. "We were friends."

"You were twelve."

"Thirteen." Jocelyn let out a deep breath. "The point is that if he was coming home, he would have written and told me." But then again, she hadn't heard from him for a few years.

"Well, maybe you're not as important to him as you thought."

Although it was a cruel thing to say, she wasn't in the mood to argue. "Mallory, I have to get back to work. Is that all you wanted?"

"Oh! We need milk."

"Well, get it on the way home."

Mallory bit her lower lip and released it. "I haven't gotten paid yet."

"Again?" Jocelyn turned around, trying to control her anger. "Mallory, you've been trying the modeling thing for a while. Now, it's time to get a real job."

Mallory staggered back, wobbling dramatically on her heels as if she had just been slapped. "Jocelyn, we have Mom and Dad's inheritance."

"Which you are blowing through, Mallory!" Jocelyn threw up her hands. "I have to go. I'll be home later." Jocelyn walked back inside, leaving Mallory outside in the cold.

When she walked in, Kiki's eyes opened wide. "Jocelyn, don't let Mallory get to you. You know how she is."

"Yes, but I can't keep supporting her." Jocelyn bit her lower lip. Here she was the younger sister--twenty-one while Mallory was twenty-six--but somehow, she had become her sister's caretaker. "Sorry. I didn't mean to take it out on you."

Kiki gave her a weak smile. "Don't worry. I still love you."

Jocelyn laughed. "Stop it! Every time I'm mad and want to stay that way, you have to ruin it."

But that was just the way that Kiki was--warm, bubbly, and always saw the sunny side of life. Kiki wrapped her arms around her from the side and laid her head against her upper arm. "You still love me. You know you do," she teased in a sing-song voice.

"Stop it." Jocelyn laughed as she brushed her away. "What would I ever do without you, Kiki?"

A broad grin spread across her face, having accomplished her mission. "I don't know, but I don't want to find out."

"Neither do I." She walked around the counter and prepared to get back to work. "Come on. Let's restock before we get busy."

As they were working, thoughts of Caden went through Jocelyn's mind. When he left, he had thought of her as a little sister. She wondered what he would see when he saw her now. But she quickly pushed the thought aside. They had been friends way too long and Mallory was her sister. She wouldn't ever do anything to hurt either of them.

But then she thought of Caden and what Mallory had said about him. Caden had always been good looking, and now Jocelyn suspected he would be drop-dead gorgeous. Men always got better with age. But despite his looks, what Jocelyn had liked about him the most was his heart. Who he was on the inside.

Although Jocelyn and Mallory were complete opposites, she loved her sister and wanted her to be happy. And if Mallory and Caden were happy together, then Jocelyn would be happy for them, too. She tried to convince herself, anyway.

The doorbell rang, and another customer walked in. "I'll take this one," Jocelyn said, and Kiki nodded.

As she worked, Jocelyn wondered what she would feel when she saw Caden. She brushed the thought aside, knowing that it was probably a moot point. After all, she hadn't seen him in eight years, and she probably wouldn't see him again any time soon.