Chapter 10

"Now, don't stay out too late." Caden's mother warned later that night before he left for his date.

"Mom, I'm a grown man." He slipped into his black leather jacket. It was cold earlier and now he was sure it'd be freezing.

"I know that." She pointed to her cheek. "Now, come over here and give your mother a kiss before you go."

He did as he was asked and then a sly smile spread across his face. Yes, he had a lot of his mother in him. "And I'll be sure to stay out very late."

She looked at him, her eyebrows raised, and then burst out laughing and pushed against his chest. "Oh, you-."

"Love you," he called out as he walked out the door.

"Love you more!" she called after him.

He walked out onto the front porch and pulled the door closed tightly behind him. It had started snowing again, but was now just flurries. From past experience, he knew it would hold out for his date with Mallory.

He had checked his messages earlier that day and Mallory had instructed him to pick her up at her house. Although he knew Jocelyn lived there, too, he hadn't expected her to answer the door.

"Hello, Caden. Come on in." Jocelyn stepped back and opened the door wide. "Mallory will be down soon. Would you like something to drink while you wait?"

"No, thank you." As he stepped into the house, Caden felt like the eighteen-year-old boy that he had been the last time he had stepped into that house.

Jocelyn folded her hands in front of her. "So, how was your trip?"

Caden smiled, amazed at the woman that Jocelyn had become. "It was good. So, how long have you been working at the jewelry store?"

Jocelyn smiled. "I started working there when I came back from college."

"You went to college?"

She nodded.

"What did you major in?" Caden was amazed at how different she was from her sister. Mallory was all glitz and glamor, and Jocelyn had a quieter beauty, making her perhaps even more beautiful than her sister. He quickly pushed the thought aside, reminding himself that he was there to take out her sister.

"Business. I have an MBA." Jocelyn motioned toward the living room. "Would you like to sit down?"

He nodded. "Hard telling how long Mallory might be."

Jocelyn walked toward the living room. "I'll go up and check on her for you in just a minute." When she sat down, she crossed her legs and laid her hands on her lap. "So, why didn't you write me you were coming?"

He shrugged. "I hadn't written in a while. Also, I wanted it to be a surprise." He didn't say that he wanted to surprise Mallory.

"Caden, why did you stop writing?" Jocelyn asked in a non-judgmental tone.

"I don't know."

Just then, Mallory walked in wearing a too-short black leather skirt and a white blouse, and teetering on black stilettos. She was carrying a faux-fur coat and thrust it into his hand. "Would you help me on with this?" She turned around and moved her long brown hair to the side, showing off her red manicured fingernails.

Caden rolled his eyes, but took the coat and held it for her as she slowly slid into it.

Then she turned and batted her false eyelashes. "Ready?"

Everything about her screamed fake. Caden wondered why he had never seen it before. He guessed that he had probably changed, but she hadn't.

"Yes, I'm ready." Then he turned to Jocelyn. "Jocelyn, it was wonderful seeing you again."

Jocelyn rose to her feet and smiled. "It was great seeing you, too."

Not wanting to linger, Caden placed a hand on the small of Mallory's back and guided her toward the front door. Then Mallory stopped and looked at Jocelyn. "We won't be late."

Jocelyn gave her a slight smile and nodded. "Have fun."

Caden secretly wished that Jocelyn was coming with them. But he guessed that he and Mallory had a lot to discuss. Outside, Mallory slipped her hand around his upper arm, so as not to slip on the ice. He bent his arm, secretly wishing that it was Jocelyn that was holding his arm and not Mallory. But he quickly pushed the thought aside. After all, hadn't he picked out a ring for Mallory just a few hours ago? Secretly, he was glad he hadn't brought it with him. He guessed the saying was true that you can't go home again- and expect it to be the same. Seeing Mallory now, he knew he had grown a lot, and Mallory hadn't.

"So, I'm surprised you're still in Christmas Cove," Caden said, breaking the ice. "Didn't you want to leave and go to California to try your luck at modeling or acting?" They reached the car and he opened the passenger door for her. One of her stilettoes caught on a patch of ice and she slipped, but Caden caught her. She looked up and batted her eyes. After making sure she was steady, he took a step back and held her at arm's length. "You know, you shouldn't wear those in winter."

"Humph," she snorted and slid into the passenger seat. "They match the outfit."

"Ooookayyy," he replied, slowly dragging out the word, and then closed the door. He was ready to call off their date but didn't want to be rude. He pulled the jacket around himself and shoved his hands in his pockets. It was cold during the day, but at night, it was cutting. He made a mental note to get a warm winter coat as soon as he could. As he slid into the driver's seat, he decided to give Mallory a chance. They owed it to their past to at least see if there was still anything between them. He turned the key and the engine roared to life. "So, where would you like to go?"

Mallory shrugged, smiling excitedly. "I told you to surprise me. So, where are you taking me?"

Caden noticed that she didn't ask him where he would like to go. "Okay. I know just the place." He turned the car around and headed toward town. "So, you didn't answer my question. Why are you still in Christmas Cove?"

She looked out the window. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, years ago, you couldn't wait to leave- and you're still here." Caden let out a deep breath. "I figured you'd be in Hollywood, trying to make it big by now. You really wanted to leave."

Her head snapped toward him. "So did you."

"And I left."

"Without me."