Chapter 12

The next day, Jocelyn was glad that she was off from work as she folded her mother's afghan and placed it across the back of the couch. She hadn't had much time off lately and was secretly glad to have some time to herself to think. She didn't want to be at work and have Caden walk in the door again, clouding her mind.

"You've got to be kidding me, Frank! We can't do it another day? I have plans." Mallory asked into her phone and waited, listening. "I screwed up? I don't think so!" She listened again, her ear to the phone as she shook her head. "Okay, okay! I'll be down there in a minute." She clicked off her phone, ending the call. "Jocelyn? Would you do me a favor?"

Jocelyn looked up. Uh oh. When Mallory asked for a favor, Jocelyn usually got the raw end of the deal. "What?" she asked flatly.

"Frank screwed up the shoot and I had plans to go skiing with Caden today." She pooched out her lip into a pout. "Would you mind going with Caden for me?"

"What?" Jocelyn asked, her heart pounding. "Why don't you cancel the shoot? Or better yet, call Caden and cancel?"

"Can't." Mallory whipped out her compact and checked her makeup. "The photos are for the Christmas pageant and they need them now. And if Frank hadn't messed up the pictures-." Jocelyn knew full well that it was probably Mallory who had messed up and not the photographer. Mallory never admitted it when she was wrong. She snapped the compact closed. "Caden's going to be over here at any minute and I have to go. Will you do this for me? Please?" She bounced up and down on her heels, her brunette waves bouncing over her shoulders.

"But I don't ski--"

"Caden will show you." Mallory waved her hand dismissively. Then she took her hands and batted her eyelashes. "Please? For me?"

"Stop it." Jocelyn pulled her hands away. "Okay. I'll go."

Mallory clapped her hands excitedly and then gave Jocelyn the onceover, taking in her appearance: jeans and a baggy sweater--a far cry from her usual business attire of a dress suit. "Come on." Mallory tugged her hand and pulled her up the stairs and into her room.

"Mallory, what're doing?" Jocelyn asked in disbelief. She told herself that she was doing this for her sister, but secretly, she was also doing it for Caden. Her heart pounded at the possibility of spending the day with him.

"Here." Mallory pulled a ski outfit from her closet and held it up to Jocelyn. "Yes, it'll fit." Then she shoved it into her hands. "Put this on." She darted out the door, but yelled over her shoulder, "And there's ski boots in my closet, too!"

Jocelyn hurried to change and then pulled on the ski boots. Luckily, they were the same size, but their taste in clothes were as different as their personalities. When she heard the doorbell ring, she grabbed a ski jacket from Mallory's closet and rushed out. Downstairs, there was a knock on the door, causing Jocelyn's heart to flutter. Mallory swung the door open and Caden was standing on the porch, in all his glory. Jocelyn tried not to notice his light brown hair and bright green eyes.

"Got to go!" Mallory rushed past him without so much as a hello.

"Where're you going, Mallory?" Caden watched as she rushed to her car, his mouth open in surprise. "I thought we were going skiing today!"

"Jocelyn will go with you!" She waved her hand dismissively as she slid into her car. "She'll explain!" Then she closed the door without another word. Within seconds, she fired up the engine and backed out of the driveway, without even letting the engine warm up. Not a good idea in cold weather.

Caden turned around and looked at Jocelyn, raising his eyebrows. "What was that all about?"

Jocelyn wrung her hands, fearing that he would run once he heard that he was going to spend the day with her instead of Mallory. "Something went wrong at the photo shoot yesterday and she has to do the pics over again." A smile spread across her lips. "She blamed it on the photographer, and I hate to say it, but it was probably her."

Caden stood there for a minute and then burst out laughing. "I don't doubt it." He looked around and then clasped his car keys in his hand. "Well, thanks for telling me, Jocelyn. Have a good day." He started walking toward his car, but she stopped him.

"Caden, Mallory asked me to go skiing with you- if that's okay?" Jocelyn asked nervously.

He thought for a moment as a smile lit his lips. "You know what? That sounds great. Are you ready to go or do you need a few minutes?"

Jocelyn's heart leapt. It had been years since she and Caden had spent time together. Despite everything, they had always been good friends. She had dreamed of this day and now it was finally here. But she forced herself to get a grip. He was not there for her, after all, remembering the ring he had bought for Mallory. "I'm ready. Would you like to come in for some coffee first?"

Caden shook his head. "No, I'm ready if you are."

She smiled. "I'll be right back with my purse. I'll only be a minute."

He raised an eyebrow. "I'll wait."

She rushed inside and into the bathroom, and ran a brush through her hair. Then she picked up her purse and ran out the door, locking it behind her.

"Ready?" Caden asked, his green eyes sparkling.

How her sister could ever break up with him just because he had asked her to wait for him, she'd never know. Jocelyn knew she would have waited for him for as long as he wanted if it meant spending the rest of her life with him. But she pushed the thought quickly aside. Thoughts like that could get her into trouble.