Chapter 16

"What's wrong?" Caden asked, obviously noticing that she was too quiet.

But Jocelyn just shook her head, unwilling to tell him. Yes; Caden Scott was definitely detrimental to her heart.

Luckily, Caden let it go. "Well, let's head on over to the lake. Is it frozen?"

"Solid as a rock."

Caden chuckled. "Good. That way I won't have to save you again."

"Yeah, well, I'm not a kid anymore." She took her eyes from the scenery and looked over at him. A much better view. "I know how far to go now."

Caden laughed. "Yes, I'd bet you do."

She slapped him playfully on the arm. "Caden!"

"Well, you walked right into it." He shrugged. "I just jumped right in."

Jocelyn laughed. "You're unbelievable."

"So, tell me. When is this Christmas pageant?"

Thoughts of Mallory rushed immediately into her mind. "A few days before Christmas. Are you going to go? Mallory's going to be on a float in the parade."

Caden sighed. "I'm not sure. Are you going?"

She shrugged. "Probably."

Within minutes, they pulled in front of her house. "Mallory's car's still gone, so she's probably still at the photoshoot. Come on in while I get my skates and I'll leave her a note so she can join us when she gets home." Jocelyn got out of the car, closing it behind her.

"And when will that be?" Caden grabbed his skates from the back floorboard and followed behind.

Jocelyn shrugged. "Not sure, but usually when she is at a shoot, she'll probably be late."

"When she gets here, maybe we can all go out to dinner." Caden adjusted the skates on his shoulder.

Yeah, that's likely. "We'll see. I think I might bow out, though, and let you two have some time alone."

Caden nodded. "Well, I think I'll meet you at the lake."

"I'll be right there." She thought for a moment and then said, "Caden?"

He raised his eyebrows.

She smirked. "Don't fall in."

"Ha, ha. Very funny." A devilish smile spread across his lips. "I'll leave that to you."

Jocelyn laughed and then hurried into the house. She changed into her ice skating workout clothes, consisting of stretch pants, a knitted matching scarf and hat, and a comfortable sweater. Then she pulled on her skating socks and snow boots, and then slipped her skates over her shoulder with the laces tied. Downstairs, she wrote the note for Mallory to join them, and then headed out the back door.

As she walked toward the lake, excitement welled up within her for the first time in a very long time. She hadn't been skating for a while. With Caden and her parents gone, Jocelyn no longer had the desire. She had asked Mallory to skate with her a few times, but Mallory always had something else better to do. After a while, Jocelyn just stopped asking.

At the lake, Caden had already donned his skates and was skating a figure eight. "So, what took you so long?" He bent forward in a racing stance and headed right for her.

"Don't you do it!" she warned as she sat down on the bench. Years ago, he always loved to race toward her and turn at the last minute and skid to a stop, spraying her with ice.

"Oh yes," he replied, the same devilish look in his eyes.

She took off her boots and slipped on her skates just as he showered her with ice shavings. "I told you not to do it!" She laughed, shaking off the cold ice. "You just wait until I get my skates on!"

"What are you going to do? Pirouette me to death?" he teased, going into a perfect spin. Then he skidded to a stop.

She laughed. "Show off!"

He shrugged. "Of course!" Jocelyn had always loved watching Caden skate. He was poetry in motion on the ice.

"So, why didn't you go pro instead of joining the Navy?"

"Why didn't you?" he countered. He performed another figure eight and then turned to look in her eyes, obviously gauging her reaction.

She finished lacing up her skates and then zoomed out onto the ice. Even though it had been years since she had skated, it was something she never forgot. She skated around the ice, getting a feel for it before she did anything strenuous. Then she swayed from side to side, letting her skates glide over the ice.

"Well, I can see you skate better than you ski," Caden teased as he whizzed close by and then out again.

"Oh yeah?" she asked, skating in circles around him- literally.

He laughed. "You've still got it! Do a Triple Lutz!"

"How about a double?"


Jocelyn laughed. "Caden, it's been years since I've been on the ice!" She sped toward him and slid sideways to a stop, showering him with ice crystals this time. He looked like a snowman with ice on his hat and in his day-old beard. She laughed as she skated away. "Told you I'd get you back!"

But he was hot on her heels. Then he turned backward in front of her and took her hands.

"Caden-." She warned, rolling her eyes.

His eyes sparkled, happy. His eyes really told a story. "Come on- for old time's sake."

Jocelyn let out a deep breath and held out her hands. "All right." He took her hands and wrapped one around her waist behind her and the other to the side in a partner skate. "You really don't play fair, you know."

"I know." Then he spun her around. "Do a triple axel."

Jocelyn rolled her eyes again. "Caden-."

"Oh, come on!" He turned backward, not releasing her hands, and batted his eyes. "For me?"

She laughed at his goofy expression as he begged. "All right!"

Without another word, he took her hands and guided her around the ice. Then he picked her up above his head and held her in a perfect spin. She touched down on one skate when he set her easily on the ice, her other leg extended backward.