Chapter 18

The next morning, thoughts of Jocelyn filled his mind. When Caden walked out into the living room, his parents had already left for the tree lot. He hurried to eat, telling himself that he was eager to see Mallory. But in reality, he couldn't wait to see Jocelyn again. What are you doing? You're an idiot. He enjoyed spending time with Jocelyn, but he had given Mallory his heart long ago. Over the years, Mallory had occupied his mind and had helped him get through some sticky situations. When the going got tough and he didn't know if he was going to make it through the mission, he had thought of Mallory and promised himself that he'd see her again. Then he'd live.

But now that he was here, everything had turned upside down. Mallory wasn't the person he had remembered her to be, and neither was Jocelyn. When he had left, Jocelyn was just a little girl that he thought of as his little sister. Now, she was anything but. Jocelyn had become quite a beautiful woman. But what he liked about her the most was her heart. Who she was on the inside. She was kind and sweet. Thoughtful.

Caden hurried to finish eating, grabbed his jacket, slipped on his boots, and ran out the door, hoping to catch Jocelyn- er- Mallory before she left again.

He found himself driving a bit faster than he should have been, trying to get there in time. Along the way, he found himself thinking of the day before that he spent with Jocelyn. She was so graceful on the ice, literally poetry in motion. He hadn't felt so free in a very long time. There was nothing more freeing than ice skating.

Before long, he pulled up in front of Mallory and Jocelyn's house. Then he rushed to throw the car into park and jumped out, not bothering to lock it up. Then he skipped up the stairs, taking two at a time. He was about to knock on the door when it opened and Jocelyn stood in the doorway. Caden's breath caught when he saw her and his pulse quickened. Get a grip, Caden, he thought to himself. Although he knew that she wasn't his, his heart didn't seem to know that.

"Oh! Caden- what are you doing here?" Jocelyn asked, stopping in the doorway, her purse over her arm.

"Hi, Jocelyn. Is Mallory home?" He shoved his hands in his pockets. Jocelyn gave him a smile. Was it disappointment he saw in her eyes, or was he imagining things?

"No, she left already." Jocelyn stepped out and locked the door. "I'm sorry but I was just going out. Mallory's downtown, getting things ready for the Christmas pageant, if you'd like to join her." She skipped down the stairs and to her car.

"No- I don't want to disturb her." He walked down the stairs and followed her to her car. A Volkswagen Bug. Although it was small, it seemed to suit her. "Where are you going?"

A smile spread across Jocelyn's lips, bringing a smile to his lips, as well. "It's a surprise."

"Okay-." Caden pulled his keys out of his pocket. "We can go in my car."

She shook her head, still smiling, arousing his curiosity. "Not a chance. If you drove, then it wouldn't be a surprise." She motioned with her head to come along. "Come on. You're not scared, are you?" She was teasing, but didn't know how scary she could be. He was scared of the feelings he was having for her, and he was also scared of losing her. He needed time to figure things out.

"Why not?" He turned around and hit the automatic lock on his keychain. His Corvette beeped, letting him know it was locked. Then he held her door for her to get in.

Jocelyn smiled. "I can open my own door, you know."

"Not around me." Caden closed the door and then hurried around to the other side. He was a big man, muscular, and her Bug was going to be a tight fit. He opened the car door and then stopped. "Seriously. Do you mind if we take my car? I can't fit in here."

Jocelyn laughed as she climbed out of the car and propped her hands on the roof, looking at him. Then her lips curled into a devilish smile. "Only if I can drive."

Caden chuckled to himself. "You drive a hard bargain, you know that?" He locked the passenger side of her car and then threw her his keys.

She shrugged as she locked the driver's door and closed it. "I have my moments." She tossed his keys into the air and caught them, while looking over at him.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

"You have no idea." She gave him a wink that nearly knocked the wind out of him.

"May I ask where we're going?"


"Give me a hint?"


Caden walked around to the driver's side and opened the door for her. It seemed strange letting someone else drive his car, but he would trust Jocelyn with his life. She climbed in and gave a little squeal of delight. Caden chuckled and rolled his eyes as he closed the door behind her, and then walked around to the other side and slid in.

Jocelyn started his Corvette and listened as the engine roared to life. "Love it. So, when did you get it?"

Caden shrugged as he clicked his seatbelt into place. "Just before I came."

"Really?" she asked in disbelief.

"What can I say?" Caden shrugged. "Powerful cars are one of life's guilty pleasures."

She slid the car into drive. "Yes, it certainly is." She gave him a heartbreaking smile and raised an eyebrow. "Ready?"

Caden sighed. "As ready as I'm ever going to be." Oh, I'm in trouble now.

"Relax. I haven't had an accident- this year." She looked over her shoulder and pulled it out onto the street.

"Ha, ha. Very funny."

She shrugged. "Again, I have my moments."

She turned expertly down roads and he sat back and enjoyed watching the scenery pass by. Snow still covered the ground, sparkling in the morning sunlight. Patches of snow set on the evergreens, creating the perfect Christmas card. No wonder Christmas Cove was the Christmas capital of the United States.

Before long, they were in the town square. They passed by Santa's Workshop, a toy store, and Santa's Café. Then she pulled to a stop in front of his parents' Christmas tree lot.