Chapter 68

Then she turned to Taren. "Please. Sit down and make yourself comfortable. I haven't seen you since high school. So, how've you been?

"Okay, but I can't stay long." Taren perched on the edge of a chair. "I hope you don't mind me coming by, but I was worried and just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"No, I'm glad you did," Kiki replied. "When did you become a firefighter?"

Taren smiled, relaxing a bit. "Shortly after high school. I worked my way up and I'm a captain now."

Kiki looked into his eyes and smiled. "I'm happy for you." She bit her lower lip and then slowly released it. "Taren, thank you so much for saving my life. I can't thank you enough." Kiki laughed. "Your mother won't believe it when she finds out that you were the one who carried me out last night."

A crease formed between his eyes. "How do you know my mother?"


Taren nodded.