Chapter 60

Kiki looked down at her, surprised. Then she checked the board. She was right. "You know how to play?"

The little girl shrugged. "I play with my dad." She reached over and moved the piece for Kiki.

Kiki's eyes opened wide. "You don't live here- at the Children's Home?"

"Nope." The little girl leaned forward, studying the board.

Lines formed along Case's forehead as he concentrated. After a moment, he moved a piece.

The little girl reached over and moved another piece, then looked up at Case. "Check."

Case's eyes almost bulged out of his head. "No way!"

"I'm afraid so." The little girl sighed.

Kiki bit her lower lip to keep from laughing. Case had turned into a regular Chess master over the past few months and here this little girl was beating them both.

Case studied the board and then moved another piece.