Chapter 88

Wind whipped around them as they hurried up the stairs and his mother opened the door.

"Welcome!" Evelyn pulled Kiki in for a quick hug. "I'm so glad you came over tonight. And I'm glad that you're okay."

"Thanks to your son." Kiki looked over at Taren and smiled. "I don't even want to think of what could have happened if he hadn't arrived when he did."

Evelyn nodded thoughtfully. "Yes- well- you're here and safe now."

"Daddy!" Abby ran into the room full speed into her father's arms.

Taren swooped her up into his arms and nuzzled her neck. "And this is my daughter Abby."

"We met Christmas Eve, Daddy," Abby replied. Turning to Kiki, she added, "It's a pleasure to see you again-."

"Kiki," Taren supplied. "Abby, this is Kiki Long. Kiki, this is my daughter Abby."

"It's nice to meet you- officially," Abby replied, holding out her hand.

Kiki blinked, her eyes wide. "The pleasure is mine."

Prissy rose from her perch by the fire and strolled toward Kiki, meowing loudly.