Chapter 107

At work the next day, Kiki held a set of rings that a young couple had been looking at.

"Are you sure this is the one you want?" the young man asked his future bride.

She nodded, but bit her lip and released it. "Yes, but it's too much."

"Would you like to see another set?" Kiki asked the young woman.

The woman nodded, smiling. "Yes, please."

"No, this is the one," the young man interrupted. "Could you hold them for me? Then I'll come by and make payments on them until they're paid off."

Kiki looked between them and smiled. "Yes, of course." Kiki let out a deep breath. "I'll tell you what. Ten dollars should hold it for now. That is, unless you'd like another amount?"

The young man returned her smile. "No, that will be fine. Thank you." He opened his wallet and handed her a ten dollar bill. "Thank you."

"What's your name?" Kiki asked.

"Jared. Jared Thomas." Then he looked over at his fiancée. "And this is Rochelle Hall."