
Chapter 15: Cambria, Part 3

"What do you mean 'it's me?' Of course it's me, you dim wit!" The girl stepped back to look at Seth, confused. She wondered why he would ask her that. "Stop distracting me!" Then she returned the sword to his throat, causing him to back away. "Get to your feet!" she ordered angrily, her jade eyes flaring into a deep, sharper green as she spoke.

"I will if you put down the sword," Seth challenged bravely.

She thought for a moment, and Seth could tell that thoughts of killing him were running through her mind. Then she lowered her sword, allowing Seth to rise to his feet and brush himself off. He was several inches taller than this girl, but their obvious difference in height didn't deter her.

He stepped forward to brush himself off.

"Stop right there, knave!" the girl ordered, shoving the point of a very large sword at his midsection.

"Hold on there," Seth replied, holding up his hands in surrender. "Watch where you point that thing! You could

hurt someone."

The girl pointed the sword at Seth again. "Oh, I know full well what this thing can do and I plan to do it! Step over there! Now!" she said as she pointed to a spot a few feet away from the unicorn. Seth reluctantly complied, waiting for her to calm down. She sheathed her sword between her shoulder blades, then stepped crossed to the unicorn and ran a gentle hand across its back and down its legs, checking to make sure that no harm had come to him. The unicorn unfurled and fluttered its wings, then retracted them once again, obviously bored with the exchange.

"Anyway," Seth began, trying another approach. "How do I know it's yours? Do you have any papers to prove it?"

"Just my word. That should be sufficient."

"Then why wasn't he bridled?"

"I didn't have time to put one on him this morning before he ran off," she replied. "Silence! I do not have to answer your questions!"

"Just one more," Seth persisted, taking a step closer. "What year is it?"

The girl whirled around to look at him like someone had struck her. "What do you mean 'what year is it'? Everyone knows what year it is!"

"Humor me. What year is it?"

"It is the year of our Lord eleven hundred and twenty eight."

"Wow," Seth said to himself. Uncle Herman did it. I'm really here.

The girl turned her attention back to the brilliant animal, standing patiently through the ordeal, even without a bridle to hold him still.

Then Seth began to grow impatient, watching her check over the magnificent creature in distrust. "I didn't hurt him," he said.

"Silence!" After another moment of checking the magnificent creature, she replied, not looking at Seth, "I can see he is unharmed." After a moment, she turned her attention to Seth. Her chin was slightly elevated when she spoke. "What is your name, boy?"

Seth rolled his eyes. "My name is Seth, and I am not a boy."

"What is your full name?" The girl raised her chin slightly, becoming annoyed.

"Seth Roberts."

"Of ...?" she impatiently persisted.

Seth thought for a moment as the realization of what she was asking sank in, and then replied, "Seth Roberts of Pooler."

"Pooler?" she asked with confusion coloring her beatific features. "What is a Pooler?"

Seth laughed. "Pooler is where I'm from." He paused for a moment, and then added, "Okay, I've answered your questions. Now I have a few of my own. What's your name?"

The girl thought for a moment before answering, then raised her chin bravely. "Briana of Cambria." They stared at each other in silence, then she commanded, "Follow me." Then she mounted the graceful unicorn in one fluid motion. The magnificent creature sprang to life and trotted toward the edge of the forest. She expertly grabbed his mane and pulled back to slow the white-winged unicorn to a walk. It complied.

Seth looked after them for a moment, watching them walk away, knowing that this couldn't possibly be real. Maybe it was a dream and he would wake up soon. Then Briana stood at the edge of the forest and called, "Seth Roberts of Pooler, follow me!"

"You have got to be kidding!" Seth replied, unbelieving. But he didn't move an inch. "What makes you think you can just order me around?"

Briana and the unicorn trotted back to Seth, and her eyebrows pulled together as she reached for her sword without saying a word.

"Go ahead," Seth continued. "I'm unarmed. Kill me if you wish." Then Seth's steely eyes bore straight into hers and he held out his arms to make it easy for her. "But if you don't kill me, then you will treat me with respect."

Briana slowly lowered her hand, sheathing her sword, but never took her eyes from Seth. "If you want respect, then you must earn it, horse thief."

"And stop calling me a horse thief!" Seth continued. "I never have been, nor will I ever be, a horse thief!"

Briana thought for a moment, fuming, before she replied sharply, "Fine." Then, gripping the unicorn's mane, she turned the unicorn around to stand beside Seth. "If you don't mind, kind sir, would you consider accompanying me to my home?" Briana asked, over exaggerating the question, her voice thick with sarcasm, and then she executed a bow atop the unicorn. She then held out her arm.

Seth eyed her warily for a moment, then grabbed her arm and swung easily onto the back of the unicorn behind her, being mindful of its wings. Seth was surprised at how comfortable he felt atop the wondrous creature. Together, they rode into the forest.

"What is his name?" Seth asked after they'd been walking for a while.

"Whose name?" Briana replied, concentrating on the path through the dense, ancient forest, untouched by human hands, probably since time began.

"The unicorn."

"Kirlin," Briana replied after a moment's pause.

Then, as if on cue, Kirlin turned his head slightly, having recognized his name. Then Briana and Seth were silent as they walked deep into the dense forest, watching the light from the clearing disappear behind them.