
Chapter 20: Sparing, Part 1

Seth was immediately alerted to the sound of clanking metal outside the cottage. He hurried onto the porch protectively in front of Briana to see that Colin and Reese were sword fighting. The fighting looked vicious, as each man expertly wheeled heavy, metal swords about three feet long at each other's heads, wearing practice armor. The fighting between the men reminded Seth of the knights of old, as the sun glistened off the sharp edges of their swords and their armor. As they watched, Reese narrowly diverted a blow to his midsection as he quickly twisted out of the sword's path. Then suddenly, he had the upper hand, placing Colin on the defensive. In another flourish, Colin expertly dodged another blow. The sound of metal sliding against metal resounded throughout the meadow as the swords clashed. Then a moment later, in an unexpected move, Colin pinned Reese to the ground with the point of his sword against his throat, kicking Reese's sword away from his grasp.

Seth was not sure if the fighting was just for sport or if the threat was real, but a second later, Colin laughed and reached out an arm to help Reese to his feet.

"I want a rematch," Reese said, brushing the dirt off his pants, shaking out his hair as he removed his shinny metal helmet.

"In a moment," Colin replied, wiping the sweat from his brow, a bit winded. "Right now I want Bryce." He turned to Bryce, raised an eyebrow, and silently pointed to the playing field with a nod of his head.

A devilish grin erupted across Bryce's face, as he unsheathed his sword. "Sure, old man."

A half smile lit Colin's lips as a hard, knowing look came into his eyes. "We shall see who the old man is."

Bryce laughed then replied with a devilish smile, "Yes, we shall see."

They first bowed to each other and pulled down their face shields. Then each man wielded his sword at the other, clashing together into a hard, metallic sound.

"What are they doing?" Seth whispered to Briana as the sparing continued.

"They're preparing," Briana answered, her voice low. "We keep in shape for battles, should the need arise."

Seth nodded and the fact that she had said "preparing" instead of "practicing" had not escaped his notice. He wondered if there was something more to the practicing than Briana was telling him. He considered the possibilities as he turned his attention to the sword play.

Seth could see that Bryce was much more aggressive than Reese. The sound of the swords crashing together echoed loudly throughout the meadow as Colin expertly diverted one of Bryce's blows. He made a 180 degree turn and caught Bryce's blade over his shoulder just in time. Bryce quickly countered with a thrust to the mid section, but Colin was quick to intercept it. Bryce was much quicker than Reese, and more of a challenge. Maneuver after maneuver, Colin diverted blows and cast a few good ones of his own. But in the blink of an eye, Bryce was on his back, unarmed, with the point of Colin's sword at his throat.

Bryce cursed under his breath as Colin and everyone else laughed. Colin gave Bryce a soft chuck on the shoulder, saying, "Better luck next time."

"I want a rematch," Bryce said, smiling, and picked up his sword.

"Maybe in a bit," Colin replied, taking off his helmet. "Why don't you fight Reese?"

"He's not much of a challenge, but he'll suffice."

Reese punched him hard on the shoulder. "I'm enough of a challenge for you," Reese retorted, picking up his sword. "Let's go."

Then Bryce and Reese bowed to one another, and the sparing began. As the fighting continued, Colin took a drink from a ladle resting in a bucket hanging on the corral fence. After a long drink, he placed it back into the bucket and came to sit on the other side of Seth. Briana excused herself, going into the cottage.

The fighting continued while Seth and Colin watched. The hard metallic clanking of metal resounded through the land and into the forest. Bryce and Reese seemed evenly matched, but Seth noticed that Bryce was more aggressive than Reese. He wasn't afraid to take chances. A few times, if Bryce's blade hadn't been intercepted, it would have most certainly been too late for Reese. Reese was aggressive, but not as reckless as Bryce.

"So do you fight?" Colin asked Seth, taking him by surprise.

"Not like that," Seth laughed. "But I can hold my own."

Colin smiled with a faraway look in his eyes, as if thinking of things from long ago. Then he turned again to Seth. "You can hold your own, huh?"

Seth paused for a moment, wrapping his arms around his legs. "I do okay."

Colin looked confused, studying Seth's face. "Would you like to learn?"

Seth's coffee colored eyes lit up as a half smile lit his lips. "You would show me?"

"Yes," Colin said matter-of-fact, the corner of his lips turning up. "I could show you a few things."

Colin said it smiling, but Seth knew that when the fighting ensued, it wouldn't be a laughing matter. Seth was embarrassed because he knew that he was never much of a fighter, but he could hold his own in a pinch. Also, the thought of fighting with a sword seemed as foreign to him as going to the moon. But, then again, so did going to Cambria.

The door of the cottage creaked loudly as it opened. Seth turned to see Briana come out the door, dressed in her full armor, glistening in a beam of sunlight. Seth felt his jaw drop, viewing her in her full armor. Briana clutched her helmet under her arm, wearing men's armor, and her loose braid fell to her waist. Seth felt a strange stirring within his heart as he watched her walk toward them, her sword strapped to her back, between her shoulder blades.