
Chapter 33: Intruders, Part 5

"Never!" Briana's eyes were just as fierce as her voice as she turned to face him. She stepped forward and lifted a hand to slap him hard across the face, but Dracon quickly caught it in mid-air, his eyes never wavering from hers.

Dracon was quickly losing his patience, and his eyes flared as he looked directly into hers, still holding her hand. "I will have you as my bride, Briana, and of your own free will. Make no mistake about it."

"Go rot in hell!"

Dracon made a tsk, tsk sound with his tongue. "Temper, temper. I thought your father taught you better manners."

"Leave my father out of this!" Briana said wryly. "You are not fit to even speak his name!"

Then Dracon released her hand and stepped back, amused. "I do like your spirit, my dear Briana. This means that our children will be very brave as well."