"Not quite yet." Briana tried to smile. "But come sit and talk with me for a while." Briana tried to get up from the floor, but fell back down. Ellie went to her, helped her to her feet, and gasped when she saw the blood streaming down her cheek and the bruises now prominent on her face.
"Here, let me get you a water basin for you to clean up." Ellie frowned, looking on with fear in her tawny eyes.
"Will you sit and talk with me for a while?" Briana asked, placing a gentle hand on Ellie's arm.
"I can't, my lady," Ellie replied with fear in her eyes. Ellie dipped a hand into the water and touched it to Briana's cheek.
"Briana," Briana corrected, gently insisting she call her by her given name.
Ellie smiled. "Briana." She thought for a moment, cleaning Briana's cheek, and then added, "I am not allowed."
"You are my maid, are you not?" Briana asked.
"Yes, my ... Briana."