
Chapter 57: The Cottage, Part 4

As they walked into the village of shops, he noticed a bit of excitement filling the air. People talked animatedly, very excited about something. Two women passed and he knew immediately what the excitement was about.

"What do you think she will wear?" a plump woman, carrying a basket of vegetables, asked another woman at her side.

"I do not know, but I am sure it will be spectacular," the other, slender woman answered, carrying a basket of fruits and vegetables, as well.

Both women giggled, clearly excited. Seth knew they were talking about the upcoming wedding. He was sure that concerns with fashion among women had not changed much over the years. Seth's mouth set in a straight line as he let out a sigh. Time was running out and he knew they had to act quickly.

"Who do you think will be competing in the joust?" the slender woman asked the other as they passed.