
Chapter 62: Preparation, Part 2

Seth turned and walked into the cottage, where Bryce and Reese were preparing dinner. Bryce, Reese, and Seth had all developed defined muscles and had increased their strength from the daily strenuous workouts over the past couple months. Now, as Seth watched the two preparing dinner together in this small kitchen, it somehow reminded him of trying to shove two round pegs into a little square hole. They seemed strangely out of place as Reese turned to Seth with a dishtowel thrown over one shoulder, placing a plate of biscuits on the table, smiling at Seth. At the coal stove, Bryce placed a slab of meat on a plate then poured cooked vegetables over the top. Here they were, broad muscles, making biscuits in the kitchen, like Arnold Schwarzenegger posing as Betty Crocker. The only thing that's missing is the apron, Seth thought to himself as a smirk appeared on his lips.

Appearing to have read his mind, Reese threw the dishtowel at him. "We cooked the meal. You have dish duty."