
Chapter 68: Dragon, Part 1

"This should be far enough," Seth said, pulling the black steed to a halt. It was panting hard, but pranced excitedly, ready to go further, if needed. As Briana dismounted, she noticed they were in a clearing, alone. "We have to find him some water." Briana knew he was indicating the stallion.

"Yes, I know this clearing," Briana returned, looking around. "There is a stream coming from the mountains close by."

Seth nodded, even though he was certain Briana probably couldn't see. The night was the blackest that Seth had ever seen. "You're safe now, Briana," Seth said, gingerly pulling her into his arms. "Are you all right?" He could see a bluish discoloration appearing under one of her eyes, even in the dim light. He lightly traced his finger along the bruise.

Briana turned her head sharply away, ashamed.