
Chapter 82: Briana, Part 2

His first class was Trig, so he made his way to Ms. Ross' class. Once there, he saw his friend Lisa sitting in the first row near the windows. She perked up when he came in, grinning, excited to see him. Seth was her best friend and she hadn't seen him all summer long. She gave him a little wave and he nodded, giving her a slight smile as he passed. Quickly, her smile faded. She knew that something had happened over the summer, she could tell, for he wasn't acting the same. Lisa noticed that he seemed distant, not quite himself. Maybe he's just nervous to be getting back to school, she thought to herself. Then she noticed his muscles and her eyes almost popped out of her head. What did he do over the summer, take human growth hormone?

Just then, Tammy Bailey walked in and purposefully sat right next to Seth. She turned to face him with a devilish grin. Not even looking at her, he got up, and moved to a seat beside Lisa.

"Hey," Seth said to Lisa.