
Chapter 146: Showdown, Part 1

A moment later, Seth and Dracon appeared in a different part of the forest, and they were alone. Seth could hear the explosions of battle raging on in the distance, but no one else was in the field. Seth looked around and realized that they were standing in the same field where he had fought Dracon the year before, when he had fought him in Cambria and placed Briana in her rightful place ... back on the throne.

"Well, well. There's something to be said for repetition, don't you think?" Dracon said, seeing the recognition in Seth's eyes. Dracon shook his head as he pushed his dark, wavy hair back away from his face.

"Or history repeating itself," Seth said, his sword drawn, donning his fighting stance.

Dracon laughed evilly. "I have dreamed of this moment, of bringing you back here to finish what we started last year."