Chapter 10

"Then, why have you not found it before, since it is here in Cambria?" Raine asked, intrigued.

Virtra took a deep breath. "According to legend, only one who has a pure heart will be able to retrieve it."

Raine nodded, understanding. "And your heart is not pure?"

Virtra's eyes flared in anger. "You are not here to discuss my heart; I am sure of that!" She leaned forward and cocked her head to the side. "Now, do we have a deal?"

Raine's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What do you want with Samson's Locks?"

Virtra took a deep breath. "Never mind what I intend to do with it! It is none of your concern." She set her glass back on the table so hard that wine splashed up over the rim, staining the doily on the table. "Now, do we have a deal?"

Raine thought for a moment, feeling as if she was about to make a deal with the devil himself ... or herself, in this case. Although Raine didn't know what Virtra was up to, she knew that it couldn't be good. But then the image of Bryce came to mind. At that moment, she knew that she would do anything to be human with Bryce, even if it was only for a short time.

"Yes," Raine said, sensing that she would regret it one day. "What do I have to do?"

A broad smile spread across Virtra's lovely face. "First thing's first." She raised her arms slowly as she chanted, "Grestrvance rashada molique, grestrvance rashada molique, grestrvance rashada molique!"

Raine felt faint as the blood rushed to her head. A violent wind began to shake the entire tent structure as white firefly lights zoomed in, surrounding her. "What is happening to me?" Pain shot through her body as it began to contort and morph. Raine looked down, and she was growing and stretching as the white miniature lights swirled violently around her until, finally, her feet touched the ground. When the pain subsided a few moments later, she was as tall as Virtra, who wore a self-satisfied grin.

"Now, isn't that better?" Virtra asked, feigning affection as she placed a hand gently on Raine's arm, sending sensations through her that she'd never felt before. Her touch felt warm and tingled a bit. "So, this is what it's like to be human."

Virtra looked at her, feigning concern as her lip pushed out a bit. "This is what you wanted, is it not, my dear? To be human?"

Raine smiled. "Yes; of course." She rubbed her arms and touched her face when a thought suddenly rushed to her mind. "My wings!" She reached around behind her, but her wings were no longer there.

"Tsk, tsk," Virtra replied, shaking her head. "Humans do not have wings."

"No. Of course not," Raine agreed. "I'm just trying to gain my bearings." It felt strange to be standing, fully supported by her legs alone. There was an ornate, antique mirror hanging on the wall close by, and Raine was curious.

"Go ahead. Take a look," Virtra said, motioning toward the mirror. "It is not every day that you become human."

Raine walked hesitantly across the room toward the mirror, and then raised her eyes slowly to look at her own reflection. Her cheeks no longer sparkled, but her skin was smooth and flawless, like cream. Her blonde hair stretched in waves down past her waist. Raine placed her hands on her small waist and looked down at the rest of her body, amazed by the curves now prominent.

"You did it! I am human!"

"But only for five days," Virtra warned. "My magic cannot fully hide who you truly are for an indefinite period of time. I shall meet you at the Great Waterfall at the stroke of midnight on the eve of the fifth night, and then you shall become your true self again."

"Oh, thank you!" As Raine twirled around, the white flowing skirt of the dress she wore swirled around her, flowing like water upon her figure in all the right places.

"Now," Virtra said, taking a step closer to look directly into her eyes, "are you ready to hold up your end of the bargain?"

Raine took a deep breath. Something told her that she was going to regret it, but she nodded. "Yes, I am ready. Can you do a locator spell to find it?"

Virtra's eyes lit up as she placed a hand on Raine's shoulder. "I already have."

Raine thought for a moment, and then asked, "How did you know that my heart was pure?"

Virtra laughed. "Did you see the white miniature lights that surrounded you? Only the souls with the purest of hearts' transformation sparks are white." Then, she looked directly into her eyes. "I made the right choice. Now, do not make me regret it."

Raine nodded hesitantly. "What would you have me do?"

An evil smile curled one corner of Virtra's lips. "Follow me."

Raine nodded, and watched as Virtra headed toward the door. She took a step forward. It felt strange to place the full weight of her body on her feet. Before, she always had her wings to support her. She wobbled a bit at first, but after a few steps, she was walking properly.

"Well, come along! I do not have all day!" Virtra yelled impatiently into the room.

Raine looked up, and Virtra was standing at the heavy wooden door. Raine hurried down the hallway.

"Shall we?" Virtra asked, but instead of opening the door, she raised her arms and then brought them down slowly before Raine's eyes. As her hand descended, the Great Waterfall slowly became visible along the top of her hand and Virtra's tent was at the bottom. A moment later, they were standing before the Great Waterfall, not far from the camp.

"How did you ..."

"Never mind that," Virtra snapped, and then pointed toward the Great Waterfall. "The urn containing the Locks of Samson is just on the other side."

"Of the falls?" Raine asked. She looked up at the falls, illuminated pale blue in the moonlight, nestled deep within the Dark Forest. "How am I to ..."

"Hush, girl!" Virtra snapped. "I shall place a protection spell over you. Even if you were to drown, you shall not die and will remain protected."

Raine nodded, not sure what she was getting herself into.