Chapter 8

"Do you mind if I ride with you?" Logan asked just above my ear as we stepped outside.

"Sure. Of course," I said, already digging my keys out of my purse.

"Hey, guys," Logan said to his friends. "I'm riding with Alyssa. I'll meet you there."

"Just don't be too long," Mason said with a sly smile.

"Shut the hell up," Logan said as Mason laughed. "We'll be there in a minute."

"It wouldn't take longer than a minute, anyway," Mason joked, laughing as he headed toward their car.

Lathe punched him on the shoulder and muttered something about treating women with respect.

"This isn't such a good idea," I said, fumbling with my keys. "I'll see you tomorrow. Just let me know where to meet you."

Logan immediately placed his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to look into his eyes. "You're safe with me. I promise. Sorry about Mason. He was just being a dick." I gave Logan a look, raising my eyebrows, and he amended, "Excuse me. He was being a jerk."

"Are you sure that it's not too late to do this?" I asked. It was pitch black outside and well after midnight.

"We're musicians, remember?" Logan said with a smile. "It's never too late for us. We play all night and sleep all morning."

"Play?" I raised an eyebrow.

Logan laughed. "I'm not touching that one."

We both laughed as I unlocked the passenger side door for him and then my own. "So, where're you from?" I asked as we headed down the road.

"New York," he said. "We've been playing gigs for a while there and decided that if we wanted to take the music seriously, then it was now or never."

I laughed. "They play country music in New York?"

Logan shrugged. "What can I say? I'm different."

Yes; Logan was definitely different more different than any other guy that I'd ever met, but I quickly pushed the thought aside. "How old are you?" I asked, changing the subject as we turned the corner where Logan indicated. I knew he was a bit older than me, but I wasn't sure.

"I'm twenty-two," he said. "How old are you?"

I hesitated for a moment, suppressing a smile.

"Oh, come on," he said, enjoying my discomfort. "It can't be that bad." When I still didn't say anything, he added, "Don't worry. I won't think badly of you if you're older than me."

I laughed as I took a deep breath. "Okay. I'm eighteen," I said as I watched him out of the corner of my eye.

"Eighteen, huh?" he asked as he swallowed.

"Too old, or too young?" I asked, already knowing the answer as my heart sank.

"Neither." A look of pain spread across his face. "Just give me a minute to adjust," he said as he tugged on his jeans.

I reached over and smacked him on the arm as he laughed.

"And your parents let you go to Nashville by yourself?" he asked, suddenly concerned.

"I'm of age now," I said, keeping my eyes on the road. "I just graduated from high school, and I've always wanted to come here." I looked over at him. "Besides, they trust me."

He smiled. "What do you think they would say if they saw you driving to an apartment after midnight with a guy in the car?"

I shrugged. "Well, when you put it that way"

He laughed. "As I said, I promise to keep you safe."

But what if I don't want to be safe? I wondered in my mind, unable to believe that my thoughts had just betrayed me like that. I took a deep breath. "I'll tell you what. How about I drop you off tonight, then I'll come by in the morning and we can jam."

Logan took a deep breath. "Well, that may be a problem since the guys usually sleep until noon."

I laughed. "I'll just have to boot you guys out of bed, then."

"That sounds like a plan," he said seductively, then jumped when I smacked him on the arm again. "Ouch!" He cringed, laughing, but I knew that I hadn't hurt him a bit. "It's right here," he said, gesturing to a tall brownstone building. "Come on up. I promise that your virtue will be safe with me."

My thoughts started turning obscene again as I laughed off his comment, but didn't turn off the engine. "Are you sure we won't be disturbing anyone?"

"Are you kidding?" Logan asked excitedly. "This building is filled with musicians. The whole building will be rocking in a little while."

I laughed. "I seriously doubt that, but as long as we're not arrested" I reached and turned off the engine as Logan laughed. "Okay. Let's go."

"Wait here," Logan said, and then rushed around the car to open my door. "After you, Madame."

"Mademoiselle," I corrected as Logan laughed.

He reached out his hand, and I took it without thinking. "Make sure to grab your guitar, too," Logan said, giving my hand a light squeeze.

"I'll be right back," I said, then walked to the front of the car and got my guitar out of the trunk. In Volkswagen Bugs, the engine is in the back.

"Here; allow me," he said, reaching for my guitar.

I pulled the guitar close to me. "Can I trust you?"

Logan laughed. "With the guitar? Yes. But with your body? That may be a different story."

I smacked him on the arm again, and he laughed as we climbed the stairs to his apartment.

As we walked in, I immediately felt at home. Mason's drum set was set up in the living room, along with two mics on stands, and Lathe and Kyle were already tuning their guitars. This was the kind of atmosphere that I'd always wanted. Laid back, fun, and filled with music.

"So, are you guys ready?" Logan handed me my guitar, and then reached for a guitar on a stand sitting off to the side.

"You play?" I asked as I slid my guitar strap around my shoulder. I didn't know why it surprised me. He told me he played and sang at the Double Shot Saloon, but it still surprised me.

"Of course!" Logan said, and immediately launched into an elaborate rift, moving his fingers effortlessly up and down the neck of his guitar without missing a note.

I suddenly wished that other parts of me were his guitar, but I immediately pushed the thought aside.

"Show off," Lathe said as he finished tuning his bass. "Well, are we gonna jam or what?"

I launched into an elaborate rift of my own as the guys stopped and stared. When I stopped, all of their mouths were open. "Well? What are we waiting for?"