Chapter 26

"Man. It's good to see you again, little lady!" Judy said, giving me a hug without waiting for me to stand. "And who's your friend?"

I smiled as I looked over at Craig, and he smiled encouragingly. "Believe it or not, this is my agent and manager, Craig Savage."

"Get out of town!" Judy said, so loud that I was sure the whole restaurant heard her.

I laughed. "Yup. As of today."

She took both of my hands. "So, things worked out with Tasha?"

I nodded. "Yes, thanks to you," I said, so excited that I could hardly stand it. "I go on tour with her as her front band in three months."

She flung her arms around me and pulled me in for another hug as I stood up. Then, she held me at arms' length to look into my eyes. "Well, congratulations, girl! I'm so happy for you!" She turned to Craig and shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you!" Then, she looked back at me. "See? What did I tell you? Miracles still do happen but you have to have talent, too, and I know you must have talent!"