Chapter 32

"Will you wait for me?" he asked as he kissed across my jaw line to my neck.

"Umm?" I asked, trying to catch my breath as he kissed me lightly between my breasts.

"When we're on separate tours," he persisted as he stopped to look into my eyes. "Will you wait for me?"

I nodded and looked into his eyes as I laced my fingers through his hair. "Yes. Of course. Will you wait for me?"

He smiled. "I already have. I've been waiting for you my whole life."

I kissed him lightly on his perfect lips, and then he rolled over on top of me. "I know we haven't known each other long, but I don't want to ever be away from you."

I smiled as I tenderly kissed his lips, and then his cheeks. "What are you saying?"

He stopped to look into my eyes. "I want to marry you," he said, then added in a rush, "I'm not talking about getting married tomorrow, but I want to marry you in the future, when we're both ready "

"Yes," I said, and then pressed my lips to his.