Chapter 43

Brett looked up from packing away his things, too. "Honey, you're one of the best guitarists I've ever seen. You were born for this."

I laughed. "Why, thank you, Brett! Is that a compliment?"

He smiled as one corner of his lips curled into a smile. "Yeah, but don't get too used to it."

Laughing, I crossed the room to the door and waved over my shoulder. "Don't worry. I won't," I joked. "I'll see you guys tomorrow. Same time?"

Noah looked up from packing his equipment. "Sounds good."

Everyone sounded their agreement. It was great to have a band of my own. I was curious about their story-if they had been playing together long, or if Craig had put them together-but, for now, I didn't want to over think it. I just wanted to enjoy the moment. They were the perfect band for me.

"Wait up, Alyssa," Craig said, bringing me to a stop. "I'll walk you out."

I sighed, but relented. Craig was becoming a bit too familiar. But I reminded myself that he was just my manager.