Chapter 51

I tried to focus on the song, but my thoughts kept going back to Logan.

Out of the corner of my eye, offstage, something caught my eye. Gargantuan was still there. This surprised me, but what shocked me even more is that Craig slipped him something discreetly as a broad grin spread across his face. Gargantuan nodded to me, and then left. For a moment, I wondered if Craig had just paid him off for doing that to me, or if he was paying him for the gig. I pushed the thought aside and faced the crowd, finishing the song. "Thanks for being such a wonderful audience! Goodnight!"

I stormed off the stage as the crowd roared. But this time, I didn't care how loudly they screamed. I was going after Logan. I walked right over to Craig as my eyes flared. "What the hell was that?"

"What?" Craig asked innocently.

"You paid off Gargantuan?" I asked, not giving an inch. "You knew that Logan was here, didn't you?"