Chapter 61

"Wow! That was great!" I said, sitting in a chair as adrenaline coursed through my body.

Craig laughed as he handed me a cold water bottle. "How do you feel?"

"Addicted!" I said as I unscrewed the cap and took a long drink. I hadn't realized that I was thirsty until I started drinking. "Are we going back to the hotel now? I want to stay and listen to Tasha for a while."

"No. You'll need to stay here," Craig replied as a gleam appeared in his eyes. "I have a feeling that she'll want you to come out for the finale."

My eyes flew open wide. "Really?"

He shrugged. "Be ready just in case. You played a half hour longer than was expected."

"No. Really?" I asked in disbelief. "Was Tasha upset?"

He laughed. "Did she look upset? She was enjoying your set just as much as the crowd! As I said, I have a feeling that I'll be booking you a solo tour before you know it."

I looked over at Greer, who was talking animatedly to Brett and Shawn. "You want to watch Tasha with me?" I asked her.