Chapter 72

Jim opened the limo door, but Logan held out his hand as he shook his head. Then, he walked to the garage and opened the door. Inside, cars of all makes and models lined the walls. The garage was actually as big as a small warehouse. The collection of cars inside was priceless.

Logan walked purposefully over to a vintage red convertible Corvette with the top down sitting a few cars down to the right and opened the passenger door.

"Logan, you're too upset," I said, stopping in the middle of the room.

"Yeah. So?"

"So, you shouldn't be driving when you're this upset."

"I'm okay," he said as he motioned toward the door. "Let's go."

I didn't move. "Is this your car?"

He shrugged as he bit his lip. "Why do you ask?"

I took a step toward him. "No offense, but I don't want to spend the night in jail for grand theft auto."